The Chap Shop was founded by Freddie Horn in 1970
It is located 25 miles south of Kansas City, Missouri in Harrisonville.
trained horses professionally for 30+ years
The Chap Shop offers customers high quality western saddles
and tack as well as professional insight on saddle design and
fit for both horse and rider. We stock 250+ western saddles -
work to show - used and new. We are known nationwide for our
knowledge of our products and service to our customers. We
consult with some of the best names in the industry to provide
quality training and show equipment to meet the demanding needs
of today's trail riders, performance horses, trainers,
showmen and women.
Bob's light weight
Reiner was directly influenced by Freddie Horn's input
into the design. Freddie believed that there was
something missing in the saddles available and this
design would be beneficial to the industry without
compromising quality. |

(click on picture
for larger view) |

(click on picture
for larger view) |
We are proud to present the Freddie Horn Edition Reiner
16.5in! It is exclusive to the Chap Shop. We
wish to thank Bob's Custom Saddles for creating this
saddle. |
Another exclusive to the Chap Shop is the Youth Edition
of the Freddie Horn Reiner. Again we thank Bob's
Custom Saddles for producing this fine saddle. |

(click on
picture for larger view) |

(click on picture
for larger view) |
Bob's Custom Cutter
Cowhorse 16.5in! |
Martin Barrell Cervi Crown C 14.5in! |